Great station and app. App and web site have lots of links to programs and previous broadcasts which allow one to eliminate or at least minimize those driving distractions and driveway moments.
This app pauses and disconnects about every minute. Then you get the ad again. It's very annoying and I don't use it very often because of it. It happens while I stand in the same spot while connected to wifi or data. This app could be better.
Allows me to listen when away from home
Good app overall, but it's lacking Google Chromecast, so I can wirelessly stream in best quality to speakers and audio systems in my house. I would like my annual donation applied toeard such an upgrade. Can you please add Google Chromecast capability to the app?
I enjoy listening to NPR. but this app has frequent pauses.
Easy to find desired show.
They be fixed the problems, and it works great. Wonderful radio station.
Excellent programming
2 things I don't like: 1) App "refreshes" too often, even though there is nothing new to display. Then I have to hunt/scroll to get back to where I was. This also happens if I get interrupted mid article. When I get back to it, the article may have scrolled off the list of available articles. 2) Articles appear on the "list" but full article is not yet available, just a short description. Sometimes is viewable by web link, often not. If interested, I have to remember (hours) later "read or not?"